Osteolaemus tetraspis


Order Crocodylia


These animals are uniformly dark in color and have brown eyes. The body is heavily armored from head to tail with bony plated scales.They can reach a length of 5 1/2 feet and weigh 70 pounds.


west Africa and west central Africa (Guinea, Ghana, Nigeria, Gabon, Cameroons, Liberia, and Angola)


The dwarf crocodile is listed as endangered. It is still exploited for its hide, eggs meat and live animal trade.

Photo by Todd Rosenberg / © Lincoln Park Zoo



Tropical forest zones, prefering slow moving water and avoiding major waterways.
Aquatic and nocturnal. These animals feed on crabs, frogs, fish and occasionally small mammals that wander into the water or that are captured by the riverbed.

Life History

Dwarf crocodiles lay about 20 eggs which are layed on a nest. The nest mounds are made of vegetation. Incubation is 87 to 126 days,depending upon atmospheric temperature. These animals are timid, slow moving and do not like to bask as do other crocodiles.

Special Adaptations

  • Eyes placed high on the head enable the crocodile to see above the water line while keeping its body submerged.
  • Special transparent membranes protect the animals eyes during struggles with prey, so the crocodiles can still use their sense of sight during these times.